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Tomas Månsson (2024). Relationship between kidney function and cognitive function in the general older population. Results from the general population study “Good Aging in Skåne”

Marieclaire Overton (2019). Assessment of cognition in ageing. Investigating internal validity, occurrence and reversion of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Data from the general population study "Good Aging in Skåne".

Karin Werner (2018). Estimated glomerular filtration rate in older adults: validation, correlations and implications. Data from the general population study ”Good Aging in Skåne”.

Annika Kragh Ekstam (2017). Medication in older hip fracture patients. Falls, fracture and mortality.

Nivetha Natarajan Gavriilidou (2017). Evolving geriatric anthropometrics – an interplay with lifestyle changes, birth cohort effects and survival implications. Results from the general population study ’Good Aging in Skåne’.

Terese Lindberg (2017). Arrhytmias in older people: focusing on atrial fidrillation. Epidemiology and impact on daily life.

Lena Sandin Wranker (2016). Gender perspectives on pain among older adults. Findings from the Swedish National study on Aging and Care (SNAC) – Blekinge.

Beth Dahlrup (2015). Family caregiving, a long and winding road. Aspects on burden and life satisfaction among caregivers from the general population study ’Good Aging in Skåne’ and effects of psychosocial intervention.

Magnus Stenhagen (2014). On Falls in the Elderly – Epidemiological Studies from the Longitudinal General Population Study ’Good Aging in Skåne’ (GÅS), Sweden.

Åsa Enkvist (2013). Life Satisfaction and the Oldest-Old. Results from the longitudinal population study ”Good Aging in Skåne”.

Ingela Steij Ståhlbrand (2011). A matter of life and health. Life satisfaction, personality and mortality in two populations of elders.

Maria Wadman (2009). Clinical presentation, prognostic factors and epidemiology of ischemic bowel disease in the very old.

Henrik Ekström (2009). The influence of fracture on activity, social participation and quality of life among older adults.

Ulla-Britt Flansbjer (2006). Strength training after stroke: Effects on muscle function, gait performance and percieved participation.

Faina Reinprecht (2006). Hypertension, blood pressure, cognition and cerebral blood flow in the cohort of ”Men born 1914”.

Björn Albin (2006). Morbidity and mortality among foreign-born Swedes

Signe Andrén (2006). Family caregivers of persons with dimentia. Experiences of burden, satisfaction and psychosocial intervention.

Marianne Caap-Ahlgren (2003). Health-related quality of life in persons with Parkinson’s disease – Aspects of symptoms, care-giving and sense of coherence.

Mats Persson (2002). Aspects of nutrition in geriatric patients – Especially dietry assessment, intake and requirements.

Arkadiusz Siennicki-Lantz (2000). Cerebral blood flow and cognition. Clinical studies on Dimentia and Cognitive Decline with special reference to Blood Pressure.

Berit Agrell (1998). Stroke in geriatric patients – Aspects of depression, cognition and motor activity.

Lena Annerstedt (1995). On group-living care for demented elderly. Experiences from the Malmö model.

Anna Månsson-Lindström (1994). Urinary incontinence in the elderly. Aspects of knowledge and quality of aids.

Barbro Sjöbeck (1994). Aspects of quality and equality in dimentia care.

Henrik Östberg (1992). Retirement, health and socio-psychological conditions. A longitudinal study of municipally employed women in Malmö, Sweden.

Marek Wróblewski (1990). Clinical diagnosis in geriatric medicine. Clinical and clinico-pathological studies of myocardial infarction, ulcer disease and peritonitis in long-stay elderly patients.

Sölve Elmståhl (1987). Hospital nutrition in geriatrics long-stay medicine. Dietry intake, body composition and the effects of experimental studies.

Vi har för närvarande ett 10-tal pågående doktorandarbeten från forskargruppen i geriatrik vid Lunds universitet. För att läsa publicerade avhandlingar eller andra vetenskapliga publikationer besök vår sida i Lunds universitets Forskningsportal.


Suzana Selan (2015). Self-awareness of heart failure and hospital utilisation in the oldest old with heart failure, with a focus on nutritional status and sleep quality.