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Publikationer med populärvetenskapliga sammanfattningar

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Nedan följer en lista med övriga publikationer från vår avdelning. Många går enkelt att ladda ner som PDF eller att läsa via länk. Listan innehåller bland andra populärvetenskapliga rapporter och sammanfattningar.




Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common comorbidity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and reduced lung function is an important risk factor for CVD and CVD-related death. However, the mechanisms behind the increased risk for CVD in COPD patients are not fully understood.

We examined the association between CVD- and inflammation-related serum biomarkers, and pulmonary function in a geriatric population. 266 biomarkers related to CVD and inflammation were analyzed in blood samples from 611 subjects aged 66-86 years who participated in the Good Aging in Skåne study. Serum levels were assessed by a proximity extension assay. Pulmonary function was measured using the lower limit of normality (LLN) spirometry criteria, i.e. forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC)<LLN. Logistic regression models were implemented and multiple comparisons were accounted for. 10.3% of the study participants fulfilled pulmonary function decline criteria according to LLN.  Out of the 266 biomarkers, only plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor (PLAUR) was statistically significantly associated with decreased pulmonary function. PLAUR is activated following inflammation and promotes matrix metallopeptidase (MMP) activation and extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation. This implies that PLAUR could play a role in the early phase of COPD pathogenesis.


In this longitudinal study, moderately impaired kidney function preceded reduction in processing speed, but did not predict dementia or minimal cognitive impairment (MCI). Processing speed is sensitive to cerebrovascular disease, suggesting our findings could represent early vascular implications on cognition.

Moderately impaired kidney function preceded reduction in processing speed, suggesting that overview of cardiovascular risk factors is indicated even at moderately impaired kidney function, to prevent future cognitive impairment.  


Den framtagna prognosmodellen för slutenvårdsbehov har en god förmåga att förutsäga antal besök i slutenvården. 



In this cross-sectional study, a relationship between impaired eGFR, as well as the severity of eGFR impairment, and the cognitive domains learning and memory, language, complex attention, executive function and global cognitive function, was found. No association between eGFR and meta-memory was found. To the authors knowledge, no one has previously investigated a connection between kidney function and meta-memory.

Impaired kidney function was related to worse function in multiple cognitive domains, but not meta-memory, suggesting that awareness of reduced function in memory is not affected in the presence of impaired renal function. 







  • Meningsfullhet & social gemenskap för det goda åldrandet - Resultat från forskningsprojektet Gott Åldrande i Skåne (GÅS). Rapport 2015, 1:1-44. (2015) Douhan, J., Elmståhl, S.



  • Internet use by older adults (2014) Berner, J., Rennemark, M., Jogréus, C., Anderberg, P., Sköldunger, A., Wahlberg, M., Elmståhl, S., Berglund, J.


  • Äldres sömnkvalitet, sömnvanor och användning av sömnmedel. Examensarbete i geriatrisk omvårdnad, Malmö högskola; Hälsa och Samhälle, enheten för omvårdnad. (2014) Hägg, M., Houston, B.






  • Vad är den egentliga prevalensen av kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) i en äldre befolkning och hur ser samband ut mellan funktionsförmåga, delaktighet och livstillfredsställelse. (2010) Szántó, O., Montnémery, P., Elmståhl, S.